Friday, November 11, 2011


The “oops” heard around the world from Governor Rick Perry following the most talked about brain freeze ever, is still ringing in the ears of reporters, politicians, campaigners and of course comedians. I haven’t caught the Daily Show in quite awhile, but made sure to turn it on last night. I knew it would be a doozie. Boy was I right.

Turning to the real reason for this post: I thought long and hard about sharing the below photo, but decided, why not? Given the events of the last few days, it should now be looked at as some sort of gem. LOL. So before I lock it up forever, here it is: This was taken way back when Governor Perry, was Lt. Governor Perry circa 1999 (I think?) and I was a young reporter. The guy on the other side is Brent, my awesome photojournalist. We interviewed him in Austin that day so as to get some insight into his views for leading Texas following in the footsteps of then Governor George W. Bush, who was launching his Presidential campaign. It was an interesting interview. If I ever come across the raw tape, or the story that aired, (it’s probably on beta somewhere) I’ll post that too.

So thanks Governor Perry for a lot of laughs over the last decade. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the ride back to Texas.  So much for those dreams of being President. “Oops!”

In case you missed last night's Daily Show with Jon Stewart on the Perry gaffe. You can link to that here. As Stewart says: a comedian can spend his whole life digging through the comedy mines for sound bites to sustain his family, and then Rick Perry gives him :53 seconds that can change his life.

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